

Travel Programs

Travel Programs

Lawrenceville's Harkness Travel Program uses creative and holistic approaches to experiential learning in order to promote the development of responsible leadership, global citizenship, self-awareness, and interdisciplinary knowledge in our student travelers.

The Harkness Travel Program embodies the Lawrenceville mission by bringing both House and Harkness learning along with us. Whether through service, scientific research, cultural exchange, artistic performance, historical inquiry, or engagement with the natural world, our programs are dedicated to offering every student the opportunity to develop their awareness of global issues and different cultures and communities, and to establish personal connections to others around the world.
Lawrenceville students hiking in Austira
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Program Themes

Programs are led by dedicated faculty members who share their expertise as facilitators of our experiential learning objectives. The intention of Lawrenceville's travel program is not to lead students through a place and tell them what to know; it is to empower them to make sense of the experience for themselves by turning the world into another Lawrenceville classroom.

Academic Trip: Italy

Students explored locations which mark major milestones in the life of Renaissance revolutionary, Galileo Galilei. This exciting trip offered the travelers a personal experience: tracing the journey of Galileo from his humble beginnings as a professor of Mathematics in Pisa through to his final years under house arrest in Florence.

Cultural Trip: Scotland

In this program, Lawrenceville students traveled to the United Kingdom - both England and Scotland - as a participating theatre ensemble in the 2018 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The event was held in August, allowing the travelers to explore and perform in beautiful and historic Edinburgh, Scotland.

Outdoor Trip: The Grand Canyon

In March, 2019, students traveled to the backcountry of northern Arizona for 10 days. The trip began in the red rocks country near Sedona before exploring the area along the south rim of the Grand Canyon and numerous side canyons, all with the wondrous Colorado River below.

Service Trip: Tanzania

In partnership with the Janada L. Batchelor Foundation for Children (JBFC), Lawrenceville students had an exciting opportunity to work alongside humanitarian Chris Gates (JBFC founder) and the students of JBFC’s vibrant orphanage and school. JBFC is located in Kitongo, about 30 miles east of Mwanza, Tanzania’s second largest city.

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School Year Abroad Academic Year Programs

Spend a high school summer abroad in Spain, France, or Italy! While classroom instruction is important, we recognize the unique benefits of immersive study abroad programs. Students who study abroad in high school have the opportunity to better understand world politics, to speak another language, to grasp pressing socio-economic concepts, and to become informed and seasoned citizens of the world.

School Year Abroad (SYA) is a cultural immersion and language program that allows students the opportunity to study in Europe for a five-week summer (or for an entire academic year). As a member school in the SYA consortium, Lawrenceville students receive preferential admission to SYA's schools.

Studying abroad produces exceptional high school students who are mature, informed, disciplined, and well-adjusted to functioning away from the comforts of home…a true character-building experience that will yield benefits for a lifetime.


Target Student Population
SYA Summer is open to Second, Third, and Fourth Form students.
There is a minimum language requirement of two years in the host language for France and Spain; there is no language requirement for Italy.
Students must apply through the Harkness Travel Program and also apply to SYA to get preferential admissions and/or Lawrenceville aid.
School Year Abroad - Spain
School Year Abroad - Italy
School Year Abroad - France



Viault Family International Fund

The Viault Family International Fund sponsors students to attend an immersive international summer program. With this generous support, Lawrenceville is able to offer up to eight students the ability to apply for admission into one of three summer programs through School Year Abroad (Spain, Italy or France) or allow a student to seek approval for funding to another immersive international summer program.

Target Student Population
Open to Second, Third, and Fourth Formers.
There is a minimum language requirement of two years in the host language for France and Spain; there is no language requirement for Italy.
Students must apply through the Harkness Travel and also apply to a summer program in order to receive funding.
This is a need-based fund.
School Year Abroad