

Register Today for the 20th Annual Big Red Race

  • Athletics
Register Today for the 20th Annual Big Red Race

Ready, set, go … register for the 20th annual Lawrenceville School Big Red Race (either in-person or virtual) happening on May 7! All proceeds the Lawrenceville School Camp, a residential summer camp for children of low-income families from surrounding communities.

For the on-campus race, the starting gun for the adult five-kilometer course will fire at 10:15 a.m., rain or shine. Races, ranging from 25 meters to a half mile, will be available for kids, ages 3-11, starting at 9:00 a.m. Virtual runners can complete their personal 5K at their convenience. All registrations can be completed here.

Participants who pre-register by April 30 will receive a 2023 Big Red Race t-shirt. There is a $30 non-refundable entry fee for adults and $25 for runners ages 12-17. Though the children’s race is free, participants are asked to bring a non-perishable food donation of canned goods in place of the $5 entry fee. All children’s race participants receive a finisher’s medal and t-shirt. Tickets for the Big Red Raffle with scores of amazing prizes will also be on sale – and all registered runners will automatically be entered.

Big Red Race 21- Kid's Race

Since its inception, the Big Red Race has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support the Camp. Holly Burks Becker and Jeff Durso-Finley (Lawrenceville College Counseling Co-Directors) have directed the Race for the past two decades.

“Big Red Race funds go directly into the Camp operating budget and, along with other donations and fundraising, help maintain the annual costs of keeping it up and running each year,” explained Durso-Finley. “We've also helped to maintaining the swimming area, kitchen, and dining hall, as well as restore cabins. The School Camp has been lucky to have benefactors that love and support it with targeted gifts when key capital improvements are needed, so we help fill in those gaps, when possible.”

School Camp is “transformative” for both campers and the Lawrentians who volunteer as counselors alike.

“When we talk with Lawrenceville alumni, they often cite School Camp and the most important and life-affirming thing they did while at Lawrenceville,” said Durso-Finley. “If you talk to former Camp Directors such as Blake Eldridge (Lawrenceville’s Associate Dean of Students), he will tell you that it outright changes lives so supporting it through Big Red Race has become a passion and a cause for us.” 

For additional information, please contact Lisa M. Gillard Hanson, director of Public Relations, at lgillard@lawrenceville.org.


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