

Finding a Home in Nature on the Big Red Farm

  • Experiential Learning
  • Student Life
Finding a Home in Nature on the Big Red Farm

By Samantha Costikyan '25

With the final summer crops harvested, Samantha Costikyan ’25 tells us about how she found a home on the Big Red Farm.

Nature has always been a passion of mine. Growing up in a household of eight, I often went outdoors to escape my crazy home. Nature has also been a safe place for me. I feel free and content when I am strolling through nearby forests. When looking for boarding schools to attend, Lawrenceville immediately stood out to me because of its Big Red Farm and beautiful campus. From this, I gathered that Lawrenceville provides students with many opportunities to go outside and be hands-on with the environment. 

Unlike other co-curriculars, the Lifetime Farming & Sustainability program is not competitive. It brings people together and fosters a sense of community. All of us are working together to get a job done. Oftentimes this job is picking cherry tomatoes. You would be surprised how many cherry tomatoes are required to feed an entire school. Although tomatoes are not my favorite thing in the world, I have grown a strong appreciation for them.  Being able to go from a long day of picking cherry tomatoes to seeing them served in the dining hall is an amazing feeling. Not only knowing but also being able to see all the hard work enjoyed by both students and faculty is like nothing else. Besides farming being such a rewarding experience, it has also brought some great people into my life. I have been able to make many friends with similar interests, and working together every week has brought us closer.

Lifetime Farming is not solely about agriculture and providing for a community but also about sustainability. One way sustainability is integrated into farming is through the recycling program. This is a new program where students on the farm crew help sort through the recycling. The main purpose is to prevent unwanted materials from being sent to the recycling plant. All it takes is a little time, patience, and a lot of sorting. All the work and effort are worth it to make Lawrenceville as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. I have had many great experiences in Farming and Sustainability, and it has taught me much about the work that goes into food production and sustainable living.

For additional information, contact Lisa M. Gillard H'17, director of public relations, at lgillard@lawrenceville.org.  

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